Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Bushman World Ukulele Winners from The Past

Well, if you didn't gather by the last post being somewhat Ukulele focused, I've decided to enter the Bushman World Ukulele Video Contest 2009 (Which by the way you to can enter here: http://bushmanmusic.com/video-contest.html). Unfortunately I do not have the finished product in hand as of yet, but I assure you that I am working on it and will have it posted as soon as it is uploaded and entered (At which point you had all better vote for me on Bushman's forum so that I'll at least have a shot at the viewers choice award if nothing else). So to tide you over until I do have the finished product here are some of the Winners and Runner Ups of the last 2 years. In otherwords, this is the quality of Ukulele work I am competing against... I think I may have a shot at this as long as I can make my videos look good.

katianwitchger - Such Great Heights - 5th Place 2008

rzapen - I Have a Little Dreidel - 3rd Honorable Mention 2008

TinroofSunburn - Odds and Ends - 3rd Place 2008

maxevancejpn - Dynamite - 1st Honorable Mention 2008

daniellesmagic - Rich Girl - 10th Honorable Mention 2008

John Moen - I Will Survive - 3rd Place 2007

Jason Arimoto - Cool Me Down - 4th Place 2007

And now... what you've all been waiting for... My stiff competition... The 1st place winners from the past two years (How they managed to beat out the above entries in a video contest I will never know, but it gives me a sense of hope that I may be able to win even with my lackluster video skills.)

Julia Nunes - Survivor - 1st Place 2007

paddydude36 - MMMbop - 1st Place 2008


  1. I like your blog.I t s very good.
    I amfollowing you. Follow me too I can be of some help to you later.

  2. I like your songs too.

    Listen to this Chinese classic and let me know if you like it or not?

    I have collected 3 clips of the same song, but rendered quite differently. This is a song to appraise Yellow River, the birth place of Chinese. It was written during WWII and the complete work is for stimulating Chinese to fight the Japanese Invasion.


    Last year was the 70th Anniversary of the Yellow River Cantata. The Chinese TV has a special show. The whole show can be watched from

