Monday, July 27, 2009

My Philosophy

So before I start posting playlists (because I'm getting close to finishing a few) I figured I might as well explain how I view downloading music since it can be a touchy subject for those of us who truely love music. First off I do believe firmly that we need to support the artists we love. That being said however, there is no way I could possibly know half of the bands I now love without downloading music. So here's essentially what I think about music; have a music budget (an amount each month you can justify spending on music) and always try to use up the entirety of that budget. Or to put it in simpler terms, downloading music should be a means of discovering new music and complimenting the music you are already purchasing and not as a replacement to supporting the artists. And yes I do consider Band Merch (like T-shirts and whatnot) as something I can use my music budget for since it is still supporting the artists (sometimes even more than a cd would if you see them live). So because of this I probably will not be posting full albums but rather I will post select songs from albums too give you a taste, it is then in your hands as to whether or not you will go out and support these bands. If you feel like finding the full album elsewhere in order to get a more complete view of the artist, by all means download it elsewhere (after all, I wouldn't be able to recommend half these bands if I hadn't done the same). But in the end I still think it is important to give what you can back to the music industry in some form or manner (unless you have something against the music industry, in which case I just think it's good to support the artist in some way, shape or form).


  1. Hi, I decided to comment here just for the sake of communication.
    The philosophy you present here goes pretty close to mine (and I guess with lots of other people too, have you tried reading Techdirt blog btw? It's like a mecca for those who believe that CD-sales is not music!). I like a glance of diversity in your music tastes that show up in first two playlists. And the pictures of cause are amazing :)

  2. Thanks for the comment. I unfortunately have not checked out that Techdirt thingy, but I just might have to now.

    However just to clarify I'm not one of those people who don't see CD sales as music. Basically because while I prefer to support the artist and I realize CD-sales makes up for a very small portion of that, without CD sales recording companies and record labels would go out of business and everything would go underground. Those nice polished sounds would become a rarity and and you'd have to settle for bootleg quality most of the time. Also I'd have a heck of a lot more difficulties finding my favorite bands in a place like HMV and would have to pay a lot more money on things like shipping and handling because the only way to go would be through the band itself. I'm not going to say I like how the recording industry is currently doing business, but I think I'd dislike more what the industry would become without them.

    Also on that note it seems like the more popular a CD is the easier it is to find for download, so logically once everything goes underground it's going to be pretty difficult to download music anymore and everyone who got hooked on it are finally going to wish they had bought a CD here and there.

  3. Well, by saying "CD sales is not music" I didn't mean it shouldn't exist. I just think that it's a link and research tool. I buy more music than most of my friends do, but I wouldn't spend $20 on a CD of a band I never listened to, and if I do spend it, I'd like to know that a decent proportion of that money goes to those who made the music.

    And in my case, it's not true that the easier it is to buy a CD, the easier it's to download it, since not all of the music I like gets to Moscow resellers, and when it does - I still have to pay for shipping etc. It's way more convenient for me to research online and then to order a box-set of something I really like directly from the band.

  4. Ya, it's probably a lot different when you don't live on the same continent as most of your favorite bands. But that being said , it's dirt easy to find Micheal Jackson CD's up for downloads over here and Music stores are just littered with his music but it's darn near impossible to find Rock Plaza Central CD's for download and they're a big more difficult to come by (which isn't a big deal because I see them live often enough that I just buy it straight from them, but when I buy a copy of their latest record on vinyl and want that music to still be on my iPod it would be nice to be able to download the CD in mp3 format.) And I assume that trend has something to do with how popular each of them are. Again I can't speak for the trends in your area, but that's what it's like over here.
